In order to improve the skills of employees in the fields of health technologies and biotechnology and information technologies, UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" is implementing a project co-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund - "EMPLOYEE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT".
The main activity of UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" is natural and
production of balanced products from plants. The company offers its customers
the following product lines: "Moss" (capsules, drops, syrup, etc., containing
are Icelandic lichens that only grow in an organic, clean environment),
Saintly (mulberry bars), digestive products (suppositories,
syrups, tablets, drops, capsules, powders), sleep products (tablets and
syrups). UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" is the only phytotherapeutic company
product manufacturer in Lithuania, successfully exporting its products to
Great Britain, Morocco, Georgia and Denmark and wants to expand its own
activities. In order to increase the competitiveness of the company, a permanent is necessary
development of the company's employees, therefore the project aims to strengthen
technical, managerial and entrepreneurial skills of employees.
Project activities are directed by the employees of UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics".
for skill development. Investments are planned to be allocated to the company's employees
trainings that will increase employees' entrepreneurial, technical and management skills
The project's funding source is co-financed by the European Union
Project value - EUR 79,180.00, funding allocated - EUR 39,590.00
The project implementation period is 2024. August - 2026 September

In order to expand its activities abroad and increase exports, UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" is implementing a project co-financed from the funds of the European Union Regional Development Fund - "EXPO GALIMYBĖS PAŽANGIEMS".
UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" - the company is located in Vilnius and
operating since 2008. The main UAB "Innovative
Pharma Baltics' activities are based on natural and balanced...

Promotion of UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" international networking, involvement in R&D partnership networks
UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" implements a project under the "InoConnect" measure, which aims to promote international networking of companies and involvement in R&D partnership networks. UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" is a company operating since 2008, whose main activity is natural...

UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" e. commercial model implementation
UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" is implementing a project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as a measure of the European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic - UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" e-commerce model implementation, No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-860-01-0848....

Presentation of Innovative Pharma Baltics products at international exhibitions held abroad
During the project, it is planned to go to target export markets with the aim of expanding the circle of customers and thus increasing exports.
The implementation of the project will not only strengthen the company's position in the global market, but also present Lithuania as a producer of quality phytotherapeutic production....

The project "Biological medical measures for the protection of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract against pulmonary viruses, including the SARS strain (exo-barrier)" is being implemented.
In order to increase the company's attractiveness by investing in the creation of original product design solutions, UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" implements a project co-financed from the funds of the European Union Regional Development Fund - "Development of innovative design solutions UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics"" No. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-838-02-0138....

Automation of production processes and increase of production productivity
UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" from 2021 January 29 until 2022 January 28 implements the project "Biological medical means for the protection of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract against pulmonary viruses, including the SARS strain (EXO-BARJERAS)", (No. 01.2.1-LVPA-T-858-01-0010) partially financed by the European Union for 2014-2020 Fund investment action program priority 1 "Scientific research...

The project "Development of biologically active functional food components and studies of their effects on the aging process of cells (teloalert)" is being implemented.
UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" together with UAB "Experimentica" from 2020. September 17 until 2023 May 30 implements the project "Development of biologically active functional food components and studies of their effects on the aging process of cells (TeloALERT"), (No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-856-01-0085) partially financed in 2014-2020....

Development of innovative design solutions
In order to increase the company's attractiveness by investing in the creation of original product design solutions, UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" implements a project co-financed from the funds of the European Union Regional Development Fund -Creation of innovative design solutions UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics"" No. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-838-02-0138....

Presentation of Innovative Pharma Baltics products at international exhibitions held abroad
UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics" implements the project "Presentation of Innovative Pharma Baltics products at international exhibitions held abroad" funded by the European Regional Development Fund. 03.2.1-LVPA-K-801-05-0192 in order to increase the company's exports.

Over the past decade, recent advances in the effects of functional food on human health have formulated a new modern direction of molecular nutrition research - nutrigenomics, and nutrigenomic studies of functional food components lead to a paradigm shift from epidemiology and physiology to molecular biology and genetics....

Project "Development and clinical trials of new functional food component prototypes (ACTI-FOOD)"
UAB "Innovative Pharma Baltics", a producer of phytotherapeutic health products enriched with effective biological substances, and UAB "Biokosmetikos manufaktūra", a developer of health and beauty products based on mixtures of bioactive essential oils (project partner), analyzed the functional food and its component markets in order to enter new market segments. ...

The project "Certification of phytotherapeutic preparations for various purposes (FIT-EXPO)"
Over the past several decades, the increased public attention to the use of natural herbal preparations and the increasing understanding of the benefits provided by its components and their combinations lead to the rapid development of the global phytotherapeutic preparations market. In order to gain and ensure consumer trust, it is necessary to provide detailed information about the market....